Friday, December 24, 2010

Being Part of La Santa Cecilia

I just want to share how thankful and lucky i am of being part of my new Family, La Santa Cecilia.
i started playing drums when i was 18 years old and i did it with one porpuse, which was to express myself. No matter what happened in my life, ups and downd, changes, relationships, work, etc,etc.... I always found an escape, a way of expression and a way of life through music; and soon i realized that the best way to accomplish that was by getting together with friends that wanted to express themselves the same way i did. I've always been blessed with finding talented people to form bands and explore new ways of making music and learn from each other; starting with my brother Nacho, whom without i would have never accomplished much in music. And most people i've played with had one goal in mind, which was to play music without any interest but to do it for fun and for the love we have for it.

Being part of La Santa Cecilia means all of the avobe. It is something very special to me and i'm glad that we are accomplishing many things. The best part is that we do all of this because we have a passion for music and we want to go as far as it takes us; and our goal is to bring happiness and joy and a message of love to as many people as we can. I proudly say that i love my Family La Santa Cecilia!

Hugo Vargas